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site overhaul begins

I started the site overhaul today. I've revamped the no clue movie reviews which are now just archives. I will continue to review movies, but like I said before, they'll be on the blog. I added a link to the old no clue movie reviews in the links section of the blog.

I also revamped the look of the blog too.

I'll be updating one page at at time, but the completely all new site should be active by June 30th. Thanks


test video posting

I'm testing a video posting. click here to see the video. or click on the picture on the left.


idol shocker!

check this out

I can't believe it. I am in shock. I wanted Chris to be the winner. I can't believe that he was the one who had the least amount of votes. I think it just shows that this year is extremely competitive. Who knows who will win.

I really hope that Chris still gets a record deal. I would be interested in buying his album. Good luck Chris!


apple wins lawsuit

check it out. Does that mean that Beatles tunes are coming to iTunes soon?????


no clue movie review - Thank You For Smoking

Yesterday I went to the movies. I didn't plunk down my $10 for "Mission Impossible III" (although I plan to later this week), but instead for "Thank You For Smoking". This indie is a so wrong it's right film and was directed by Jason Reitman. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It has some great performances lead by Aaron Eckhart. This is probably his best role sine "In the Company of Men".

This movie is unapologetic and a fierce satire. It features the main character Nick Naylor (Eckhart) as a spokesman for big Tabacco companies. He's able to spin BS in a way that no one else on this earth can. In the opening, he gets a talk show audience on his side, by saying that Big Tabacco doesn't want this kid with cancer to die, because he's a good customer. I found myself laughing quite loudly at many scenes that I felt bad about laughing at first, but I quickly got over it because it was so damn funny.

Nick shows a tender side when dealing with his son Joey, played by Cameron Bright, and worries about what his job says to his son. There is a scene where he goes to this career day type of thing at Joey's school urging the kids to think and not just accept that their parents say smoking is bad. I almost peed my pants during that one.

Nick also has an idea of putting cigarettes back into movies, to make them sexy again. He even goes to Hollywood to meet with a mega agent Jeff, played by Rob Lowe, and his assistant Adam Brody of "The OC". Brody is hilarious and it's too bad he's in the film for such a short time.

There are plenty of other great performances that keep the laughs coming. Maria Bello as an alcohol lobbyist , Sam Elliott as the original Marlboro man, William H Macy as Senator Finistirre leading a crusade to get a poison label on cigarettes. Even Katie Holmes as a sexy journalist Heather Holloway. Everyone in the movie is despicable, pushing their own agendas and flat out funny.

The movie's pace is fast and it never seems to slow to a lull. I enjoyed this movie a lot. Go check it out. It will make you laugh, even if you hate yourself for laughing.

It's not a huge wide release, so you may have to look around a bit. Here's a link to the trailer.